Hull College Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship Support

A wide range of support is available to you throughout your apprenticeship.

Skills Coach

A named Skills Coach is the primary contact for every apprentice. They will oversee your work and visit your workplace every 8-12 weeks, depending on the standard you are studying.

Learning Mentor

You will have a dedicated Learning Mentor who will be available via text, email or phone call throughout your apprenticeship programme. You can contact your them for any pastoral or welfare issues you may have.


From the beginning of your journey and throughout your programme to discuss any questions, queries or issues you have with your employer.

Further Support

A screening process is available to apprentices to help us identify any additional learning support you may need. These learners are able to access trained professionals to enable them to successfully complete their chosen apprenticeship. Additional learner support can include 1:1 support sessions and extra time during examinations.